Lane Shark USA is the only manufacture with a front end loader mounded brush cutter designed for the compact to mid size tractor. We currently offer two models, the LS1 and the LS2. The LS2 by far is the most popular, it offers three cutting positions and using the popular skid steer quick attach system (SSQA). The LS1 uses a receiver style mounting system that can be easily removed after bolting or welding the receiving end to the existing bucket on your tractor. Both models offer a cutting path of 44 inches and can be used in the horizontal or vertical positions just off the right side of your tractor. The horizontal position works great for many applications while the vertical cutting position is used best for road way trimming at an affordable price.
Each unit requires a hydraulic volume of 10 gallons per minute for the maximum efficiency. Please don't get discouraged with less volume than a 10 GPM system, hydraulics are considered linear meaning an 8 GPM will still run the motor well, just at a 20% less efficient speed.